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564 Tax Codes.htm

This Menu stores Tax Code details.



Tax Codes contains the following types of information:



Fields Description
Tax Code

Set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each Tax Code.

Description Detailed description for the Tax Code.
Percent Flag

If the percentage radio button is selected then the tax will be calculated according to the percentage value classified in the Value column e.g. for Tax inclusive code, the TAXIN price for an item is $5. The Tax Value is 12.5%. Therefore, the actual price of the item without tax will be $4.375,  i.e. 5 - (5 * 12.5%) = 4.375

If the Value radio button is selected under the Percentage flag column. Then immaterial of the price of the item, the tax will calculated according to the value classified in the Value column which is taken as the fixed amount to be calculated as the tax. E.g. TAXIN price for an item is $5. The classified Value is 2 then the actual price of the item without tax will be $3, i.e. 5 – 2 = 3
Inclusive Flag The Exclusive flag is only applicable for Tax exclusive code.

Fields Description
Tax Code

Set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each Tax Code.

Description Detailed description for the Tax Code.
Tax Rate Tax is calculated according to the value entered in this field.